Keys to Fitness Consistency

You’ve heard the moniker before, “Consistency is Key”, especially as it pertains to a fitness routine. When you consider that one of the main factors in whether or not you will be successful lies with how much work is actually done, a higher rate of consistency should mean reaching your fitness goals faster. So what does being consistent actually look like and are there any steps that we can take to increase our likelihood of being consistent? Outside of significant life events, you know, the things you can’t control, there are some steps we can take to ensure we are in the best position for fitness success!

Set Realistic Goals: The first step in staying consistent is to set realistic fitness goals in the first place. Sure we’d love to be at our ultimate level of health and fitness yesterday, but oftentimes when considering the nature of the goal, it is necessary to break it down into small palatable steps. Most health clubs and gyms offer some sort of consultation or goal setting appointment to help you establish meaningful fitness goals. 

At Logic Fitness Club, we call our initial consultation for personal training our “Goal Assessment”, where the main focus is to identify a main goal, establish a strong “why”, discuss what it might take to get you there and consider any auxiliary goals worth including in your program. Goals give you something to work towards and motivate you to keep going. But, it’s important to set achievable goals that are specific, measurable, and time-bound.

Have a Plan: Planning your workouts in advance helps you stay on track and ensures that you’re making time for exercise in your busy schedule. If you need help with this, there are a variety of fitness apps available offering just enough personalization to get you going in the gym. If you’re looking for a more granular programming experience a personal training program may be the more appropriate option for you.

Accountability: Having someone to hold you accountable can help you stay consistent. Find a workout buddy, hire a personal trainer, or join a fitness group to stay motivated and on track.

Mix Up Your Workouts: Doing the same workouts every day can get boring so try to mix up your workouts by trying new exercises, classes, or outdoor activities. Maybe you meet with your trainer on Mondays and Wednesdays, attend a yoga class on Thursday’s and join a running group on Fridays. There’s nothing that beats an intelligently varied workout routine, so get creative and have some fun with it!

Prioritize Recovery: Recovery is just as important as exercise. Getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and taking scheduled rest days helps to ensure that you are performing at your very best. Most importantly, rest can reduce the likelihood of injury, which can really affect your ability to be consistent.

Focus on the Long-Term: Remember that fitness is a journey, not a destination, and there will always be new levels worth reaching. Focus on making sustainable lifestyle changes that you can maintain in the long run. Some changes could be fairly simple like making an effort to increase daily water intake. Others could be more challenging, like changing your surroundings to be better aligned with your goals, whatever that may look like for you. Embrace the journey!

In conclusion, staying consistent in fitness requires commitment, a bit of optimism and a smart approach. Have you struggled with consistency in the gym? We invite you to take advantage of our free Goal Assessment where we can begin to frame an approach for you to tackle your greatest fitness challenges!