The Stronger the Better

Strength training is often associated with bodybuilders and athletes, but in reality, it is an essential component of overall health and wellbeing. The benefits of strength training extend beyond aesthetics and performance, making it a vital part of our personal training programs at Logic Fitness Club. First and foremost, strength training builds muscle mass and […]

Simple Tips for Managing Muscle Soreness

Identifying the best ways to go about managing your muscle sorenessss, fatigue and stiffness is a significant concern for most beginners in fitness . This soreness is usually a sign that your muscles have been used more vigorously than usual, causing microscopic tears in the muscle fibers. Although muscle soreness can be uncomfortable, it is […]

Keys to Fitness Consistency

You’ve heard the moniker before, “Consistency is Key”, especially as it pertains to a fitness routine. When you consider that one of the main factors in whether or not you will be successful lies with how much work is actually done, a higher rate of consistency should mean reaching your fitness goals faster. So what […]

Starting Your Fitness Journey: Challenges and Solutions

Starting a fitness regimen can be an exciting and empowering experience. However, it is not without its challenges. Here are a few major hurdles to fitness success and some solutions! Challenge #1: Lack of Motivation One of the biggest challenges associated with starting a fitness regimen is a lack of motivation. It can be challenging […]

The benefits of Private Personal Training

The world of fitness can be a tough one to navigate for those looking to improve their health. Let’s start by asking ourselves a few questions: Are you struggling to reach your fitness goals in a sustainable way? Is the best time for you to go to the gym the busiest time in the gym? […]