private personal training

Personal training overview

We are a fitness facility committed to the 1-on-1 approach to Personal Training and Nutrition Coaching. We have learned that by combining a privatized environment with focused and individualized programming, we are able to provide the most Effective mode of training available, for all fitness pursuits. The training experience at LFC sees it’s clients start at the very beginning, with a highly investigative Goal Assessment & Consultation process that sets out to identify the factors most essential to your overall fitness success and sustainability. 

We follow up that process by providing a myriad of educational resources centered around your stated goal and help you to reorganize your lifestyle to prioritize healthy eating and increased activity. Training sessions aim to provide the appropriate level of intensity for the client’s current capabilities, while providing enough of a challenge to facilitate progress from session to session. Along the way, we work to rehabilitate longstanding limitations, offer fresh perspectives to often misunderstood fitness concepts, and introduce new exercise techniques to ultimately inspire a holistic fitness experience for every client, every time.

The 3 Elements of Sustainable Fitness Success

Cardiorespiratory Conditioning

An element of fitness characterized by two distinct fitness concepts and tied to two of our most import organs; the term literally means: “Heart” and “Breath”.  Our heart is chiefly responsible for delivering nutrients, carried in the bloodstream, throughout the body. A strong heart means efficient delivery of those nutrients at the moment our body needs it, allowing for maximized performance potential. If we think of our heart as the engine in a car, we start to understand its importance to our body’s daily functions and overall performance. 

Our lungs perform the primary task of taking in fresh oxygen that is distributed throughout the body via the blood and exchanged for the waist gas, carbon dioxide. This carbon dioxide is then returned to the lungs via the blood stream and finally exhaled. You can think of your respiratory system as analogous to the exhaust system in a vehicle. These two organ systems work together to facilitate physical performance in the real world, therefore we can not discount their importance. Cardiorespiratory conditioning remains a fundamental element of every logic fitness club personal training program regardless of the fitness goal.

Personal Training Information

Flexibility and Mobility

An important mantra to remember is this: “You can only be as strong as you are flexible”. The most common goal valued by prospective clients, even more common than weight loss, is strength. We teach that true strength caries with it an absolute requirement of flexibility and considerable mobility. Flexibility is defined by your muscles’ ability to lengthen and “flex” without injury.

An individual’s Mobility is characterized by the ability to articulate and achieve a full range of motion at each skeletal nodal point in the body, commonly referred to as our joints. These two concepts of fitness, most importantly, help to prevent injury, and as an added benefit, can contribute to our ability to manage an increased amount of overall stress on our muscular and skeletal systems, in the form of a load.

Muscular Conditioning

At Logic Fitness club we characterize this element of fitness as the most visible and useful aspect of “getting in shape”. The process of muscular conditioning refers to the usability of developing muscle. We hold firm in the belief that building muscle that can not be used in a functional manner, is actually detrimental to the overall health and wellness of our clients. Muscles developed for size instead of functionality can create imbalances. This imbalance is often a biproduct of the misuse of isolative strength training techniques. This can lead to pulled muscles and ligaments and can be a contributing factor to more serious injuries like bone fractures.

We acknowledge the fact that every injury means an extended period of time away from the gym, interfering with your ability to achieve the desired results from your training program. We want to avoid this scenario at all costs by being patient with our bodies, managing expectations and analyzing the evidence of your performance throughout your program to identify the most beneficial next step in your training approach.  

At Logic Fitness Club, we understand physical fitness as a dynamic process. As our body goes through its transformation process we may uncover limitations that must be addressed before we can move forward. We see the aesthetic benefits of muscle development as secondary, while the primary goal is to build muscle that we can use to aid in our day to day activity.


Private Personal Training is the ideal mode of training as we manage the corona virus and its variants. Our 1-on-1 sessions greatly reduces the liklihood of contracting the virus during your training, when compared to larger gym environments. While your health and safety is our number one prioirty at LFC, it is not recommended that a mask is worn during exercise as it is important that we allow an uninhibited exchange of gasses (oxygen into the lungs – carbon dioxide out of the lungs) during workout sessions.

 All clients and employees of Logic Fitness Club except that we have a common responsibility to keep one another safe by taking every available preemptive step to prevent the spread of Covid in our private training gym.

Here are some way we manage the risks and ways you can help!

See how the logical approach to fitness can help you to achieve your fitness goals by scheduling your complimentary goal assessment with a trainer today!